78th Midwest PDE SeminarOctober 15-16, 2016Loyola University Chicago |
About the SeminarThe 78th Midwest PDE Seminar will be held October 15-16, 2016 (Saturday and Sunday) at Loyola University Chicago. The Midwest PDE Seminar has run semiannualy since 1977. For information on past meetings see here. Here is the poster. TalksAll talks will be in Room 111 of the Institute of Environmental Sustainability (IES), which is building 38 on this map.Invited speakers:
RegistrationPlease register to let us know you are coming. There is no registration fee. Travel supportFunding from the National Science Foundation allows for a limited amount of travel support for graduate students and postdocs. If you would like to be considered for funding, please indicate so on the registration form and email your CV and a brief statement of interest. Also, please have an advisor or a mathematician familar with your work submit a brief email recommendation.AccommodationsHere is a list of several hotels within a reasonable distance from campus.
FoodThere are a number of places to eat within walking distance of Loyola University. Here are just a few.
OrganizersEmmanuel Barron, Marian Bocea, Robert Jensen, and Brian SeguinPlease email us if you have any question about the seminar. |