Research Interests

My research interests are in Algebraic topology: surgery theory, topology of manifolds and K- and L-theory. I am also interested in TQFTs.

Publications and Preprints

  1. R. Hoekzema, M. Merling, L. Murray, C. Rovi, J. Semikina

    "Cut and paste invariants of manifolds via algebraic K-theory".
    Accepted for publication
    arXiv link

  2. D. Benson, C. Campagnolo, A. Ranicki, C. Rovi

    "Cocycles on the mapping class group and the symplectic groups".
    Accepted for publication
    arXiv link

  3. C. Rovi, M. Schoenbauer

    "Relating Cut and Paste Invariants and TQFTs".
    Results from REU summer program 2017. Accepted for publication
    arXiv link

  4. D. Benson, C. Campagnolo, A. Ranicki, C. Rovi

    "Cohomology of symplectic groups and Meyer's signature theorem".
    Algebraic & Geometric topology, Vol. 18, Issue 7 (2018), 4069-4091
    arXiv link

  5. C. Rovi

    "The non-multiplicativity of the signature modulo $8$ of a fibre bundle is an Arf-Kervaire invariant". Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Vol. 18, Issue 3 (2018) 1281 - 1322
    arXiv link

  6. C. Rovi & S. Yokura

    "Hirzebruch $\chi_y$-genera modulo $8$ of fiber bundles for odd integers $y$
    Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 4 (2016), pp. 587-602.

    arXiv link

  7. C. Rovi

    "The Signature modulo 8 of Fibre Bundles". PhD Thesis, Edinburgh 2015.
    arXiv link

  8. V. Coufal, D. Pronk, C. Rovi, L. Scull, C. Thatcher.

    "Orbispaces and their Mapping Spaces via Groupoids: A Categorical Approach". Contemporary Mathematics: Women in Topology: Collaborations in Homotopy theory. Vol 641. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 2015.
    arXiv link
    AMS Journal link

  9. J. Davis, C. Rovi.

    "The reinterpretation of Davis-Lueck equivariant homology in terms of $L$-theory".
    In preparation

  10. J. Davis, C. Rovi.

    "A proof of the $L$-theoretic Farrell-Jones conjecture for semidirect products with the infinite cyclic group".
    In preparation

  11. B. Riley, C. Rovi.

    "Cut paste operations and bordism in an equivariant setting".
    Results from REU summer program 2018.
    In preparation. Draft available upon request